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Victoria House,
High Wycombe

Residential | Conversion

Following positive pre-application feedback, we are currently preparing a full planning application for this complex project in the centre of Maidenhead.

The site is a vacant former bank  on the High Street, and our scheme involves retaining much of the structure of the existing building, whilst radically remodeling the High Street façade, and creating an additional storey at roof level. 

Commercial use would be retained at street level, whilst the existing upper floors would be converted to provide new apartments, with more  proposed in the roof level extension

At the rear of the site - fronting Providence Place - over the former bank's car park, we are proposing an additional new building. Two new floors of residential  accommodation would be provided over the car park area, which would be retained, both for parking and servicing the development. 

The form of this new building relates to the character of the conservation area and features strong gables and mews/ stable yard typology. Design development studies of this aspect are shown on this page. 


As with any project in a densely developed town centre location, there are numerous challenges concerning overlooking, impact on neighbours and on the established character of the area. Combined with the complications inherent in any project involving the adaption and re-use of existing buildings, this has proved a highly interesting - if demanding project.

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